Friday 18 May 2012

Lesson 7: Rules of Chess: the Pawn (Soldier)

And finally...we arrive at the bottom of the ranks. The Pawn (a.k.a. the ordinary soldier).  you have 8 of them. They are the simplest piece to learn as they do very little (but as you learn later - they do have a few tricks up their armless sleeves).
They move one square only. And they only move forwards. Not sideways, backward nor diagonally...just ONE square forward (*except on its very first move where it can move an extra square as he rushes off with a burst of adrenaline TWO squares forward if its his very first time moving - although its optional)
Unlike the other pieces, a pawn can not simply kill a piece in its way and take over its place! If an enemy piece is infront of it, your pawn is essentially blocked - as it cant move back or sideways - and cant kill forwards!

Then how does a pawn kill?!  - The only way a Pawn can kill an enemy piece is if the enemy happens to be DIAGONALLY in front of it - NOT directly infront.  If it is - then your pawn kills it and take its place - moving DIAGONALLY forward one square (the only time it can move other than directly forwards!!) NOTE: where other pieces can CHOOSE to kill a piece or make a different move - a pawn has no choice - if it is in a situation where it can move forward or kill diagonally - it MUST KILL!
Pawns on their own are not much use...but used in groups they can mean the difference between winning and losing. They are also great for simply blocking the way!

So to sum up - the pawn moves and kills in the following way:

PRACTICE: 1) use all 8 pawns and a king against an enemy of one queen only - then swap round. 2) use all 8 pawns and a king vs an equally matched enemy. 3) use all pieces vs a player with all pieces - (scatter starts though)

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