Wednesday 27 June 2012

Lesson 14: 21st Century Army

Modern Army
The pieces are all as normal. The only difference is they have guns and can shoot to kill pieces without moving. If a piece could be killed by the piece - then the piece kills it...without moving onto that square!

Secret Agent
If the King is in check, it must switch places with a predesignated secret agent pawn (if still alive).

Suicide Bomber!
The idea is that you secretly pick one of your pieces at the beginning of the game to have a bomb. To self-detonate it must be your turn and you must not have moved the piece - i.e. the pieces move is to explode itself - so it cannot move somewhere and then blow up at the end of its go and equally it cannot simply blow up when it is being killed during your opponent's turn. - the suicide bomber (which ends its turn) and kills itself- as well as any pieces in a 1 square radius - i.e. a 3x3 grid surrounding the piece. To make the game slightly easier - you could allow more then one suicide bomber or - for more of a challenge - only allow higher pieces to be bombers (pieces other than pawns).  There is also the obvious choice of making the suicide bomber a random piece by selecting the piece using a deck of cards (King=King, Queen=Queen, Jack=Bishop, 10=Rook/Castle, 9=Knight/Horse, 8-1 = 8th-1st pawns)

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